学分:2.5 学分
学时:36 学时
授课对象:中西医临床医学专业、中医学专业、中医学专业(5+3 一体化)、中医学专业(5+3 一体化针灸 推拿英语方向)
中药药理学是以中医药理论为指导,运用现代科学方法,研究中药和机体间相互作用及作用规律 的一门学科。
教学内容包括总论及各论。总论重点讲述中药药效动力学、中药药物代谢动力学、中药药性理论 的现代认识、影响中药药理作用的因素和中药研究的思路与方法等基本理论和知识。各论根据中药学 传统分类法按章介绍,每章包括概述和常用药物两部分。概述主要介绍对主治病证的认识、与中药功 效相关的主要药理作用,常用药物重点介绍常用单味药的药理作用、产生作用的物质基础(主要成分) 及机制,主要现代临床应用与不良反应。教材每章所附经典复方的中药药理学介绍可供拓展学习。
通过本课程的学习,要求学生掌握中药主要功效及传统应用的现代科学内涵,了解中药药理研究 的思路和方法,为指导中药临床合理使用奠定基础。
Pharmacology of Traditional Chinese Medicine is the study of the interactive action of drugs with living organisms under the guidance of the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine by us- ing the modern technology.
The content of courses include pandect and systematics. There are pharmacodynamics of TCM, pharmacokinetics of TCM, morden cognition of property of TCM, factor of influencing TCM pharma- cology and research technique of TCM pharmacology in pandect. Based on the updated research achievements, systematics introduces the actions, the related mechanisms, the active components, Modern clinical use and adverse drug reaction of the herb medicines.
Through the study of the course, the students are required to master the modern scientific con- notations concerning the effect and the main indications of Chinese medicine. They are to learn the basic knowledge and principles which are likely to lay a solid foundation for further research or clinical work.